Set in the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, where a former bare-knuckle fighter must win one last fight to pay off his debts to the local mob boss and…
An engaged Hollywood agent receives a mysterious letter for an anonymous sexual encounter and becomes ensnared in a sinister world of lying, infidelity, and digital data.
Vera, Ray, and Sam, a seemingly normal family, are haunted by more than mere ghosts. The lingering horror of their past threatens their ability to function as a loving family…
REPARATION is a powerful psychological thriller that swirls like a funnel cloud around Bob Stevens — a small-town farmer with a three-year hole in his memory. When a mysterious stranger,…
Down a seedy city street in her neighborhood, young Enola Penny is obsessed with what appears to be a long abandoned theatre. One night, she sees that the front door…
A man with a split personality fools his small town into believing his two alter egos are man and wife, although a struggling young mother holds the key to his…