Set in the 1970s, the short follows young adult Jess as she joins her friends at a party in a dilapidated mansion hosted by the mysterious Seth. When odd things…
The story of a fictional World War II American sergeant who led his rag-tag infantry unit, Easy Company, to victory throughout Europe. A DC Showcase animated short movie.
When LexCorps accidentally unleash a murderous creature, Doomsday, Superman meets his greatest challenge as a champion. Based on the “The Death of Superman” storyline that appeared in DC Comics’ publications…
An old flame of Bruce Wayne’s strolls into town, re-heating up the romance between the two. At the same time, a mass murderer with an axe for one hand begins…
“The Dark Knight’s First Night” is the name given to the short two-minute pilot used by Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski to show Fox executives what they were planning to…