Based on the groundbreaking, cult classic anime, KITE tells the story of Sawa, a young woman living in a corrupt society where crime and gangs terrorize the streets. When Sawa’s…
In the early to mid ’90s, when the South African system of apartheid was in its death throes, four photographers – Greg Marinovich, Kevin Carter, Ken Oosterbroek and João Silva…
“Everything happens for a reason” – on his 50th birthday, Lenny Vincent is fired from his job as a sports writer for a daily newspaper, his wife of 19 years…
A group of American tourists heading down an African river make a brief stop at Snake Island, an island that has been virtually abandoned for years. When they end up…
In a post-apocalyptic world, a warrior wandering through the desert comes upon a group of settlers who are being menaced by a murderous gang that is after the water they…