On a post-apocalyptic Earth, a robot, built to protect the life of his dying creator’s beloved dog, learns about life, love, friendship, and what it means to be human.
A bestselling female novelist, suffering from writer’s block, hires an innocent young woman to watch over her twin children. As the novelist dangerously indulges in her new best seller, the…
Years ago, heartbroken and officially separated from her husband, Caroline briefly turned to the arms of another man. It was only one small indiscretion – a brief affair, forgotten after…
For three US Border Patrol agents, the contents of one car reveal an insidious plot within their own ranks. The next 24 hours may cost them their lives.
In a small New Mexico town, a 17-year-old high school girl who just got her driver’s license gets into her first Fender Bender, innocently exchanging her personal information with an…
After crossing the border illegally for work, Miguel, a hard-working father and devoted husband, finds himself wrongfully accused of murdering a former sheriff’s wife. After learning of his imprisonment, Miguel’s…