On a lush tropical island, working under a secret government charter, Martin Drake has not only grown sprawling acres of giant vegetables, but inadvertently spawned two mammoth reptiles as well….
In Las Vegas, the powerful three hundred year old vampire Sylvian hires Dr. van Helm to research a cure to survive in the sun. She uses three vampire women as…
Movie producer Alan Clay wants to make a movie about Dr. Claire Archer and her amazing life story (she’s been ‘forced’ to kill two men in self defence). Claire falls…
When a beautiful young girl dies mysteriously after being treated at a sex therapy clinic, her sister Kay (Tanya Roberts), goes undercover to find out who is responsible.
A cop and his sexually frustrated wife are struggling to keep their failing marriage intact, when by chance he finds that he is at heart a voyeuristic peeping tom. To…
A bored and neglected housewife joins a local escort service and soon sinks deeper into trouble when she finds that she’s not permitted to quit when the work gets tough.
A gang of hot headed brutes lead by Tony Stone and sexual sadist John Lynch execute a robbery with some inside help. A bloody shoot-out with the LAPD ensues and…
A lifetime of taking shots has ended Rocky’s career, and a crooked accountant has left him broke. Inspired by the memory of his trainer, however, Rocky finds glory in training…
Victoria can’t sleep: she’s having bad dreams about being buried alive. Her husband Terry makes her go see Dr. Carlton, who she blames for her father’s death. Unable to help…
Witch from the first Witchcraft movie stalks the now teenage child. She attempts to kill his friends in order to slowly corrupt him to Satan. However the boy is able…