The story of a teenage boy coming of age in a suburban grow-operation, where every day is paradise or fresh hell. But it’s always a trip. Sheltered all his life…
Socially isolated by his parents (Rebecca Jenkins, Robert Joy), an androgynous teen (Aaron Webber) enrolls in high school and develops a crush on his male teacher (Daniel MacIvor).
Thom Fitzgerald’s (The Hanging Garden) provocative blending of fiction and documentary, tells the story of Bob Mizer, the pioneering founder of the Athletic Model Guild, a company which produced still…
Chris is a dancer dying of AIDS. He has chosen euthanasia to end his suffering. With the assistance of his lover Val and his doctor, he surrounds himself in his…
A bisexual female pornographer searches for sexual and economic independence in a male-dominated industry. But most of all, the girl just wants to have fun.