More (1998)
A factory worker in a dark, gray world assembles devices that promise happiness. In his spare time he tinkers to create something better, and finally succeeds in perfecting his invention, which allows people to see life through rose-colored glasses, but he has to pay a price for his success.
Director: Mark Osborne
Peter Pan: The Quest for the Never Book (2018)
The longest day of the year in Neverland has finally arrived. Festivities are being organized by the Red Skins and celebrations are underway. To get the best of the day…
Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats (1988)
Beverly hills dowager leaves everything to Benny the Ball because her only rightful heir, her niece Amy, is missing. But that’s only if Benny stays alive for 48 hours. If…
Moshi Monsters: The Movie (2013)
Join Katsuma, Poppet, Mr. Snoodle, and the other Moshi Monters in an action-packed, song-filled race against time! Together they must stop evil Dr. Strangeglove and his incompetent Glump sidekick Fishlips…
Flags and Waves (1986)
This film test is a demonstration of Pixar’s early attempts to research, analyze and recreate qualities of motion, shading and lighting that make water believable. Said techniques are later expanded…
Somewhere in the Arctic… (1986)
A polar bear is hunted by eskimos. But suddenly the hunt gets interrupted.