Doki-Doki (2003)
In suburban Tokyo, commuters find themselves waiting every day with the same group of strangers for the same seat on the same train. Perhaps over 1000 days never knowing who they are, what their lives are like, where they live, who they love. Until one day, things change.
The Dying Gaul (2005)
A powerful and seductive Hollywood mogul convinces an impoverished West Hollywood writer, whose lover has recently died of AIDS, to sell his autobiographical screenplay for big bucks. The writer, Robert,…
Beasts of No Nation (2015)
A drama based on the experiences of Agu, a child soldier fighting in the civil war of an unnamed African country. Follows the journey of a young boy, Agu, who…
Smooth Talk (1985)
Based on the short story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”, by Joyce Carol Oates, this film chronicles 15-year-old Connie’s sexual awakening in the Northern California suburbs. Her…