In this made-for-cable television horror thriller, a travel writer visits a historic hotel to write a story about it and inadvertently finds herself on the 13th floor where she witnesses…
Teenage girl is plagued by harassing phone calls. Her fear mounts when she’s babysitting at a neighbor’s home one evening and the caller rings her at that number.
A prank that starts with a group of college students creating a fictitious person so they can get a credit card develops into a plot that leaves three of them…
Emile Pulska is visiting his old friend Abe Stillman. During the visit they are attacked and Emile is struck senseless. When he wakes up he is told that Abe is…
When Norwegian resistance leader Lieutenant Erik Bergman reports the location of a German V-2 rocket fuel plant, the Royal Air Force’s 633 Squadron is assigned the mission to destroy it….