Battle Planet (2008)
In the not-so-distant future, Captain Jordan Strider, a Special Forces Officer in the New World Alliance, is chosen for a top-secret mission. Sent to a desolate planet, Terra 219, to arrest possible traitors to the Alliance, Strider must survive with only a government issued experimental suit as protection. He quickly learns of a plan to end all humanity.
Director: Greg Aronowitz
Actors: Brea Grant, Colleen Smith, John Duerler, Kevin Thompson, Meg Cionni, Monica May, Stephen Settgast, Zack Ward
The Art of War II: Betrayal (2008)
Agent Neil Shaw is called out of retirement and finds himself in the midst of a plot to assassinate several leading Senators with himself set-up to take the rap for…
Yakuza Princess (2021)
In Brazil, Akemi finds out that she’s the heiress to the Yakuza empire. Just after that, her destiny enters a spiral of violence and mystery, where a gaijin (foreigner) who’s…
Extraction Day (2014)
Jacob Bradley wakes up in a warehouse in the midst of a tactical raid, with no memory and no idea who he is. He is found by a young woman…
Sultan (2016)
After the death of his son, Sultan Ali Khan, a middle-aged wrestler, gives up the sport. However, years later, circumstances force him to revive his career and win back the…
Tiger Claws III: The Final Conflict (2001)
When a psychotic martial artist called Stryker resurrects the long-dead spirits of three ancient Chinese master assassins in an effort to take over the New York underworld, it’s up to…
Gasoline Alley (2022)
A man implicated in the triple homicide of three Hollywood starlets begins his own investigation. Needing assistance, he enlists the two detectives on his tail in order to expose a…
The New Beverly Hills Girls (1991)
A group of models attempt to foil the schemes of kidnappers.